Merit Question Time!

2024 MAY Merit Questions

Each camper must submit their own answers!  Please do not send one answer sheet for multiple campers.  Earn TWO MERITS for each question answered correctly.  Email your answer sheets to one of the email
addresses below or print out the page and mail in.  All answers are due by the end of this month.

Campers  Name__________________________________Term____________

(Circle correct answer or fill in the blank)

1.  The oldest group of girl campers are called Chiefs.
           A. True    B. False

2.  How many moons does Mars have ?
           A. 5    B. 10   C. 20  D. 2
3.  How many years are in a decade?         A. 1 year     B. 2 years   C. 5 years    D. 10 years

4.  What is the part of an oar BETWEEN the blade and the grip? 
           A. Rudder      B. Loom     C. Shaft    D. Tip

5.  Who first discovered America (hint: not Christopher Columbus) ?       
           A. Leif Eriksson     B. George Washington     C. Tex Robertson    D. James Madison 

6.  A plant that has roots, stem, and leaves is known as a _______________ .
           A. Green plant       B. Vascular plant    C. Conifer plant   D. Vernacular plant

7.  Lacking teeth, ostriches swallow  pebbles to grind their food.
           A. True      B. False    
8.  Biology is the science of life and living things and their evolution.
           A. True         B. False      

9.  What is the smallest fish?         
           A. Dwarf Goby Fish     B. Stout Infant Fish    C. Tadpole      D. Stargazer 
10. Bugs have been on Earth longer than humans.
           A. True       B. False   

Inks lake
Krystal Winkler
1 Longhorn Rd.
Camp Longhorn Inks Lake
Burnet, Tx 78611

Indian Springs
Kim Schuman
1000 Indian Springs Rd
Camp Longhorn Indian Springs
Burnet, Tx 78611

Cecilia Freeman
108 Attaway Ln.
Camp Longhorn C3
Burnet, Tx 78611