A Day in the life of a Longhorn
With over 25 different activities, numerous events and theme days/nights, you may wonder how it is possible to do everything that Camp Longhorn has to offer. Don't worry! Your camper will get a chance to do every activity offered and then some!
What does their day look like? Well it starts with...
7:45: Rise & Shine
8:10: Breakfast Chow

Morning Activities
Campers get a daily dose of 10 fun-filled land and water activities. These activities will vary from camper to camper and day to day; below is an sample schedule.
9:30: 1st Activity - Rappelling
10:00: 2nd Activity - Archery
10:30: 3rd Activity - Activity -Ropes Course
11:00: 4th Activity - Swimming
11:30: 5th Activity - Blob
12:00: End of Morning Activities

Midday Activities
After a non-stop morning campers get some quiet time to read mail, eat lunch and rest up a bit before the afternoon activities.
12:00: Mail Call
12:30: Chow Time
2:00: Rest Period
3:30: Refreshment Time

Afternoon Activities
After a good break and snack, campers are on the go again...
4:00: 6th Activity - Skiing
4:30: 7th Activity - SCUBA
5:00: 8th Activity - Wildlife
5:30: 9th Activity - Crafts
6:00: 10th Activity - Rocketry
6:30: End of Afternoon Activities

Evening Activities
Phew! What a day! I don't know about you, but I just loved playing on the blob! Let's go get some food and check out what's on for the evening...
7:00: Chow Time
7:45: After Dinner Activities
8:15: End All Games
8:40: Campfire

Ready to be at Camp Longhorn?
Well you've spent a day at Camp Longhorn. (Virtually, that is!) Each branch has a similar schedule, though you may notice the times are slightly different. One more difference is that Indian Springs has horseback riding but not sailing. Inks Lake and C3 on Inks Lake have sailing but no horseback riding.
Want the full list of activities?
- Archery
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Blob
- Canoe
- Cheer/Gym
- Crafts
- Fishing
- Football
- Horseback (Indian Springs)
- Pickleball
- Putt-Putt
- Rappelling
- Riflery
- Rockclimbing
- Rocketry
- Ropes Course
- Sailing (Inks Lake)
- Skiing
- Soccer
- Surf Park ProFlow – Pacific Surf Designs, Inc. (Indian Springs)
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Tramp
- Wildlife
Any branch you choose - you'll have so much fun!