BURENT CLASP: Diana BoormanNASHVILLE CLASP: Sally PetersonOKC CLASP: Anthony PenalozaATLANTA CLASP: Brandon Houston
Burnet : Jax Williams and Emmy WinklerNashville: Knowles RyersonAtlanta: Abby and Austin LeeOKC: Evie Penaloza, Everett Smith, Weston Dennis, Hattie Belanger
Counselor chatter
Ole Miss visit for this Longhorn Counselors: Presley Nokes, KB Thomas, Julia Lang, Kingsley Clary and Kate Anderson.
Merit Question Time!
2024 December Merit Questions Each camper must submit their own answers! Please do not send one answer sheet for multiple campers. Earn TWO MERITS for each question answered correctly. Email your answ...
Camp Chatter Indian Springs
Ella Walker (4T Springs) ran into her cabinmate, Katrina Benedict,at the Houston Power League Volleyball Tournament. So fun to see camp friends! Attawaytogo Ella and Katrina!! CLH love all the way fro...
Camper Chatter: Inks Lake
What are you doing at school? Are you in sports, band, or clubs? Send Camp your news!Alice Welder (right) our First term Mile Swim Champ helped her Team win the North Carolina State Private School Cha...
Camper Chatter: C3
4th term camper Mary Claire Gillis recently competed at a big gymnastics competition and did amazingly! She is now ranked 3rd in the state of Texas, and 16th in the Nation! WOW!! ATTAWAY! 4th Termers ...