Merit Question Time!

2025 February Merit Questions

Each camper must submit their own answers!  Please do not send one answer sheet for multiple campers.  Earn TWO MERITS for each question answered correctly.  Email your answer sheets to one of the email
addresses below or print out the page and mail in.  All answers are due by the end of this month.

Campers  Name__________________________________Term____________

(Circle correct answer or fill in the blank)

1.  Where do campers eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
           A. Diner      B. Picnic Tables     C. Chow Hall   D. none of the above

2.  Almost all the water on Mars exists as polar permafrost ice.            
           A.  True   B.  False         

3.  What is a bay?          A. Land that is surrounded by water.       B. Land with water on 3 sides
           C. Areas of water that is partially surrounded by land.    D.  Areas of water that are partially
                                  surrounded by land and connected to a larger body of water.     

4. Which of the following is a type of shot used in tennis?
           A. lob      B. drop shot      C.  overhead smash      D. all of the above

5.  Austin was the first capital of the United States.
           A. True     B. False   
6. One way to propagate a plant is to take a cutting from THAT plant and put in soil and
     nurture it.
           A. True      B. False   

7.  Skunks can spray with a high degree of accuracy as far as ________.
           A. 2 feet        B. 4 feet      C. 6 feet     D. 10 or more feet          
8.  A group of owls are called a________.   
           A. flock      B.  swarm     C. assembly      D.  parliament     

9.  Where do emperor penguins live?
           A. Sahara Desert   B. Taiga    C. Savanna    D. Antarctica

10. The fins on the sides of fish are called the _________.
           A. Dorsal Fins     B. Pectoral Fins    C. Caudal Fins    D. Pelvis Fins

Inks lake
Krystal Winkler
1 Longhorn Rd.
Camp Longhorn Inks Lake
Burnet, Tx 78611

Indian Springs
Kim Schuman
1000 Indian Springs Rd
Camp Longhorn Indian Springs
Burnet, Tx 78611

Cecilia Freeman
108 Attaway Ln.
Camp Longhorn C3
Burnet, Tx 78611