Merit Question Time!

2025 March Merit Questions

Each camper must submit their own answers!  Please do not send one answer sheet for multiple campers.  Earn TWO MERITS for each question answered correctly.  Email your answer sheets to one of the email
addresses below or print out the page and mail in.  All answers are due by the end of this month.

Campers  Name__________________________________Term____________

(Circle correct answer or fill in the blank)

1.  Tex and Pat Robertson are the founders of Camp Longhorn.
           A. True         B.  False

2.  What is the hottest planet?            
           A.  Earth       B.  Jupiter     C. Venus     D.  Neptune        

3.  Which country has the largest population?
           A. China       B. United States      C. India      D.  Russia    

4. While rowing, the rowers sit in the boat facing backwards.       
           A. True         B. False     

5.  Only three people have stepped on the moon.
           A. True         B. False   
6.  Armadillos are known to have
           A. a leathery shell that protects them    B. poor eyesight    C. a powerful sense of smell
           D. all of the above

7.  Most fish use _____to breathe underwater.
           A. lungs       B. nostrils      C. gills      D. mouths          
8.  Bald eagles are not actually bald, but has thousands of feathers.   
           A. True         B.  False          

9.  What is a group of ants called?
           A. Tribe        B. Colony     C. Flock     D. None of the above.

10. What color of hair does Ariel have in ‘The Little Mermaid’ ?      
           A. red           B. blonde     C. brown      D. black

Inks lake
Krystal Winkler
1 Longhorn Rd.
Camp Longhorn Inks Lake
Burnet, Tx 78611

Indian Springs
Kim Schuman
1000 Indian Springs Rd
Camp Longhorn Indian Springs
Burnet, Tx 78611

Cecilia Freeman
108 Attaway Ln.
Camp Longhorn C3
Burnet, Tx 78611