To view detailed parent information for your camper, please log in.
Forms and Downloads
Forms for Campers
- Parents Information Pack for Inks Lake
- Parents Information Pack for Indian Springs
- Parents Information Pack for C3
- Mail Call Reminders
- Inks Lake Boys Need List
- Inks Lake Girls Need List
- Indian Springs Boys Need List
- Indian Springs Girls Need List
- C3 Boys Need List
- C3 Girls Need List
- Airport Transportation Form
Forms for Longhorn Rangers
Here are three good companies that make quality footlockers. Remember to purchase the ones that are no larger than 13.5"H x 32"L.
- Zig Rigs Use Code Blob for 10% off at checkout.
- Everything Summer Camp
- Kangaroo Cases Use Code CLH1939 for 5% off at checkout.
Trunk Shipping
Camp Longhorn has partnered with Ship Camps to provide easy shipping of trunks to camp. Please choose your branch below for more information.
Want to make sure your camper takes home with everything they brought?
Purchase Iron On labels.
CLH Gear
Some items to help you pack that trunk and get ready to set up your bunk at camp! Merit Store Camp Ready
Camp Collage
At Camp Collage, we know how special camp is to all “campers”. We also know how important it is for campers to feel emotionally secure during this time away from their families. For this reason, Camp Collage was created to help campers share their special memories of home with those newfound friends at camp.
We are a mobile app designed for kids and parents to create a collage of photos from home to take to camp. Kids can show their new friends, and always have those pictures of memories to alleviate homesickness.