Merit Question Time!

2024 September Merit Questions

Each camper must submit their own answers!  Please do not send one answer sheet for multiple campers.  Earn TWO MERITS for each question answered correctly.  Email your answer sheets to one of the email
addresses below or print out the page and mail in.  All answers are due by the end of this month.

Campers  Name__________________________________Term____________

(Circle correct answer or fill in the blank)

1.  Name your two favorite activities.
           1.___________________ 2. _______________________

2.  Rings around planets are made up of_________________.
           A. asteroids     B. comets   C. rock, ice crystals, and dirt.  D. moons

3.  Where a rural community is located?      
           A. by the water     B. in the desert  C. in the countryside  D. very near a large city

4.  Where was the 2024 Summer Olympics held? 
           A. Los Angeles      B. Paris, Texas      C.     Paris, France          D. Burnet, Texas

5.  James Madison was the fourth president of the United States.
           A. True    B. False

6.  A sugary substance made by plants is called___________.
           A. Glucose   B. Chlorophyll   C. Resin    D. Proteins   

7.  What is a baby whale called?
           A. calf        B. foal          C. kit        D. whaling
8.  Most frogs CAN NOT live in salt water.
           A. True          B. False        

9.  A single barn owl can eat over 1,000 rodents in one year.         
           A. True      B. False   
10. In the movie “The Incredibles”, is “Jack-Jack” a girl or boy?
           A. girl    B. infant son 

Inks Lake Indian Springs C3

Krystal Winkler
1 Camp Longhorn Road
Burnet, TX 78611

Kim Schuman
1000 Indian Springs Road
Burnet, TX 78611

Cecilia Freeman
108 Attaway Lane
Burnet, TX 78611